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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Condition:


The Users may choose from the vehicles which are available on the Website for the purpose of booking a Carzilla Vehicle. At the time of booking, the Users will be required to:

  • Select the Carzilla Vehicle as per their requirements;

  • Provide the start and end date and time, indicating the duration for which the Carzilla Vehicle will be required for use by you;

  • Provide the details of the address where you need the vehicle to be delivered, and where you will return the vehicle;

  • Pay the Fees for use of the Vehicle through any mode of payment that Carzilla is using at the time of delivery.

In case a User wishes to cancel a reservation or shorten the period for which a vehicle has been reserved, he must do so in advance, as outlined in the Fee Policy

If a User wishes to extend a reservation, such User is required to communicate request for extension to Carzilla prior to the timeline outlined in the Fee Policy. Carzilla shall have the sole discretion to allow such extension or refuse the same. A request for extension will only be permitted where:


  • The Carzilla Vehicle is available for use for the extension period (for example, it is not reserved by another User)

  • Upon payment of Fees in advance for such extended period. After the grace period, late fees will be charged on a per hour basis from the time of completion of the actual booked time. After 3 hours of coming late an entire day charge will be applicable.
    The late fees charges are 15% of the standard rent of the car per hour for first three hours and then the entire day’s rent would be charged.

  • For any tyre’s punctures, flat tyre or any damage caused due to tyre failure will be solely liable to pay for the damage charges. The damage charges to be paid will be decided by taking the insurance into account and will be decided between the operator and owner.

  • For any tyres punctures, flat tyre or any damage caused due to tyre failure will be solely borne by you.

  • If a major damage has been caused then amount to be paid will be decided by taking the insurance into account and will be decided between the operator and owner.

  • All parking tickets and fines collected during your usage will also be borne by you.

  • The car has been given in good faith for personal and business use and shall not be used for transporting liquor and illegal drugs.

  • The car cannot be used for towing, passenger transport, car racing, mortgaging and illegal work.
    If found out, the contract terminates by itself and strict legal action will be taken.

  • Please do not exceed the speed limit of maximum 100km/hr (As per gov norms).
    In case the speed limit is exceeded and driving the car over speed it will be chargeable for   ₹-2500/Minute.

  • Understanding the situation of the traffic we give one hour of grace period.

  • It is your responsibility to check the car thoroughly from all sides and identify the papers, dents, scratches, damages, lights, windows, horn, gears, brakes, seats, air condition, indicator lights, clutch pedal, coolant, oil etc. And clearly take the pictures and videos and send it to our number. 

  • We try to take care of our cars and warranty on the mechanical functioning of the car except for the tyres. It is your responsibility to check the tyres of the car before your journey.

  • If there is any mechanical/physical damage caused by you while driving or parking or by someone else travelling with you or by someone you don't know, the damage cost will be borne by you as the car was in your possession.

  • Pick and drop of the cars is chargeable as per the location, based only on the availability of the drivers.

  • Check the fuel level of the car before taking it and return it on the same level as given to you. If it is less than the initial we will charge you accordingly, if it is more then we will just say thank you so don't keep extra as we don't pay extra.

  • Only accept the car after complete understanding of the above-mentioned protocols.

  • While returning if the car is not clean then it will be chargeable. (Hatchback ₹-200 / Sedan ₹-300 / SUV ₹-400 / LUXURY ₹-1500 / ₹-2000 if car is decorated).

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